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Veja maisBest Streamlabs chatbot commands In a world where the digital landscape is always changing, streamers must adapt to new legislation and policies if they are to succeed. ViewerLabs was once a popular option for streamers, but it’s time to move on to more efficient and safe options. All you have to do is simply sign […]
Veja maisWhy Googles AI tool was slammed for showing images of people of colour Technology News The latest version of Dall-E, for instance, is paired with its OpenAI’s ChatGPT chatbot, allowing the chatbot to expand user requests and add requests to limit the bias. A user request to draw “a picture of lots of doctors”, for […]
Veja maisAzia, gases, sensação de estômago pesado e sonolência são sintomas que já acometeram todos nós pelo menos uma vez. Apesar de serem comuns a pessoas com condições crônicas, como a doença do refluxo gastroesofágico, esses males podem surgir em qualquer um que exagerou no prato ou não tomou os devidos cuidados na refeição – mesmo […]
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